Friday, October 28, 2016


What a fun fall party today! It was so great to see so many families in the classroom! I know that the kids had a blast! Here are some updates about the classroom. 

Upcoming Dates:
10/31-No School
11/4-Progress Reports go home
11/7-Parent-Teacher Conferences
11/8-No School
11/10-Parent-Teacher Conferences
11/11-No School
11/14-Veteran's/Grandparent's Day Celebration-10:00-11:00
11/15-Picture Retake
11/17-Third Grade Music Performance-6:30
11/22-Thanksgiving Celebration- 12:45-1:15
11/23-11/25-No School

This week we finished our subtraction unit and took a test1 You should see these in Friday Folders. They did a great job! Next week we will begin our multiplication unit, which truly is my favorite! We will begin by exploring what multiplication is through a problem solving unit. Eventually, we will start memorizing multiplication facts, but not right off the bat. 

We are in the FINALLY in the publishing stage of our personal narratives. Next week we will be working on writing an essay for Veteran's Day called "What America Means to Me". One third grader will be chosen to read his or her essay at our Veteran's Day assembly!

We started our new read aloud called The Kid Who Ran for President! It is a great fictional book about what would happen if a kid decided to run for president. We are also going to be learning about the election process through this book! 

I hope everyone has a great three day weekend and a safe Halloween!

Kimber Rutledge 

Friday, October 14, 2016


Important Dates

10/19- Half Day
10/28- Fall Party
10/31- No School
10/17- Dental Clinic
10/18- Lunch with the principal
11/4 progress reports go home

Happy Friday! We have been having a great week here in room 205. Here are some updates on what is happening in our room

Math: We have been working on two digit subtractions. Students have been struggling with the concept of regrouping so we have been taking our time to make sure we all understand. We started out using place value blocks and then we branched out to using the stacking and regrouping method! Next week we will move onto three digit subtraction before we take our test.

Writing: We are almost done with our personal Narratives. Students finished their first story and are now working on their second story. These stories are looking great so far and it looks like we will have them all ready by the time of conferences!

Science and Social Studies: This past week we learned a lot about magnets! We learned about the different poles they have and what type of metals they attract.  Next week we will start our civics unit. We will be learning about our country and learn more about how the election works!  We will be using the BEU mascot election as an example!

Fall Party: October 28th is our fall party! If you would like to sign up to volunteer for this event please go onto the shutterfly class page and sign up. As a school we will not be allowing students to dress up for the fall party. However, it should still be a great time!

November Thanksgiving Celebration:  Something to put on your calendars is our Third Grade Thanksgiving Celebration on November 22nd. More information is to come!

Reading Log: make sure you are keeping up with the reading logs for this month! They are due on October 28th!

Coats: As the weather is changing please make sure to be sending coats with your students on chiller days! A rule in my classroom is that if it is below 50 degrees you need a light coat or a sweatshirt on!

Have a great Friday!

Miss Rutledge