Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Here are a few updates to be made aware of!

Since I will be out this Thursday and Friday I will not be sending home Friday Folders this week!

Reading Log-
Recently I have been having the students turn in their Reading Logs on a Daily Basis. I am not looking for a parent signature every day, I am only looking to see what book and how long the students are reading every night.  I just want to make sure that the kids are reading every single night! This will be very important going into fourth grade! We have also started to keep a reading log in class as well. Each student records the pages and titles of the books they are reading each day. This way they are held accountable during their “Read to self” time. If you have any questions about this please feel free to email me!

Spelling Bee
Our school spelling bee will be this this Friday at 9:30 AM. We have two students from our classroom representing us this year! Brooke and David will be going up against other students in third, forth, and fifth grade! I know they will do great!

Beulah Ralph Birthday Celebration
On January 31st Beulah Ralph would have turned 90 years old! To celebrate her birthday and all the incredible things she has done for the Columbia Public School district, we will be holding an assembly to honor her. Monica Naylor, Mrs. Ralph’s daughter, will speak at the assembly and share some memories of her mother. We will also sing Happy Birthday to Mrs. Ralph and celebrate with cupcakes. In honor of Mrs. Ralph, we will be collecting personal care items to donate to the Turning Point Day Center (to help the homeless of Columbia). Here is a list of what each grade level is expected to bring.
a.       Kindergarten – Toothpaste
b.       1st grade – Deodorant
c.       2nd grade – Shampoo and Conditioner
d.       3rd grade – Chapstick or soap
e.       4th grade – Adult socks
f.       5th grade – Toothbrushes

Career Day
Next week we are celebrating responsibility here at Beulah Ralph. To do so we will be talking about jobs we want to have when we grow up! On Friday students will be encouraged to dress up like their future career choice! We will also have parents come and present about their jobs at a Career Day!

Donating Games!
During these cold winter months we have been experiencing several indoor class recesses. As a first year teacher the downside to this is that I do not have enough board games for all the students to play! If you have any old, used, or worn out games that you would like to donate for our class to use during indoor recess time please send them in! If you also know of a place that would sell games at a discount let me know! I know the kids will greatly appreciate it!

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