Friday, March 24, 2017


I hope that all our families have a safe and wonderful spring break!


We have just finished up our unit on area and perimeter and will began our unit over fractions this week! If you see opportunities to discuss real life fractions with your child, please do! I love when they are able to see math outside of school! We also were able to celebrate memorizing all of our multiplication facts with an ice cream sundae party! The student did some great work to deserve this sweet treat! We will be continuing our timed tests through the month of April. If you would like to practice these at home,  feel free to email me and I can send home more copies. 


This next week we will learn how to identify the main idea in a fiction text. We are also focusing a lot on reading comprehension to prepare for the MAP test!


We have been working on opinion writing and discussing strategies to use to persuade an audience to agree with our opinion. We have talked about the importance of having quality reasons, and evidence to support those reasons. This week we wrapped up writing pieces to persuade someone they should only eat one type of food a week! The students were very invested in these stories and it was cool to see what they came up with!


In health this week we learned about our body's defenses against germs. We did several interesting experiments! Next week we will be learning about what we can do to keep our bodies healthy and strong!


Starting the week after spring break we will be getting chicks in our classroom. They will come to us as eggs and we will be able to watch as they hatch and become little chicks! This should be a great experience for all students!

Service Learning Update:

Thank you to those of you who have purchased an ad for the back of our Flash Dash t-shirts. We still have some spots for more ads, so if you are interested/ know anyone who would be interested in purchasing one, please let me know! We will be sending t-shirt order forms home after Spring Break.

Friday, March 10, 2017


Upcoming Dates:
3/14-Math Night- 6:00-7:30pm
3/24- Six Flags reading logs due
3/27-3/31-Spring Break

MAP Testing:

Just as a reminder, MAP testing on the last week of April. It will consist of 3 math sections and 3 language arts sessions. We will be taking a different test each day that week and will be spending a large portion of April getting prepared. Because third grade is the first time students will be MAP testing, we will be talking about test taking strategies and practicing on the laptops. I will send out more information as we get closer to testing time.

Service Learning:

This we are sending home a form for those of you who are interested in purchasing an ad for the back of the "Flash Dash" t-shirts. The details of this project are slowly starting to come together, so we are excited to get the ball rolling!


Last week in math we took our divisions tests. These are also being sent home today in Friday folders. Please make sure to SIGN and return your students test! This way I can be sure you went over it with them and can see where they are at in math! We have moved onto Perimeter and Area in math now and will be working on this for the next couple of weeks!

Multiplication Sundaes

As you may know, students have been working hard to pass all of their times facts in order to earn a sundae party at the end. We still have a few students who are working on that goal, however, I believe we will be having our sundae party on Friday March 24th. I am asking for help in donation of sundae toppings. I plan to provide the ice cream however if you are interesting in signing up please do so here

Reading Logs:

This month for our reading log, students will have a chance to earn a ticket to six flags in St. Louis. To earn this prize, students must read 6 hours and return the reading log I sent home at the beginning of the month. It must be signed by a parent in order for me to hand out the ticket! Please make sure to keep those students reading at all times! It will help them so much next year. Those reading logs are due Friday, March 24th!


We have officially started our health unit and we are loving it!! We have been learning about diseases, germs, and what causes them. This week students had the chance