Friday, May 12, 2017


5-17 Field Trip to Bethel Park
5-19 Citizen of the month assembly
5-22 Field Day5-24 Mini writing celebration after lunch

Service Learning Final Update

I am so happy to announce that the third graders meet their goal for the service learning project! Overall we raised a total of 2,780 dollars that will be going to the Make A Wish organization! Thank you to everyone who attended our event. It was a lot of fun and I know the kids really worked hard on it!

Library Books

This week was the last week students could check out library books. All books are due back by the end of next week (5/19)!  

End of the Year Writing Celebration

On Wednesday May 24th, third grade is also having their final writing celebration. You are invited to come and eat lunch with your student in the cafeteria and then come back to the classroom for dessert. We are working hard on our poetry unit and the students will be able to show you the different poems they have been writing this month. There will also be a short video of all the pictures I have taken of the students this year as well as a classroom award for each student. I would love to see all of the families there!


I have been keeping all the photos I have taken from all our events in a google photo album. If you have any photos you would like to add please feel free to upload them here: